Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Toothless Grin and A Bright Blue Miracle!

Bekah lost her two front teeth!
She looks so cute.
She had me pull out the 1st one and then she did the 2nd one all by herself.
She was very proud of herself and thought the blood was really cool. Now all we have to do is get her to STOP sucking her thumb before her new teeth grow back! Any suggestions?!

I just read a great book!

I wasn't too sure I would like it, and at first it had way to much DRAMA! However, after reading it I thought it had all the makings of a great book. It makes you laugh, cry, and get mad at the crazy characters. I was so involved with the story, I was sad to see it end. I recommend it to everyone! It is an easy, clean, romantic~ish read. Also it's written by our hometown gal, Becca Wilhite. You Go Girl!


Anonymous said...

That's funny she pulled her own. I don't think I could do that. I always had my Dad numb it before hand. My Dad is a Dentist and he has had his patients thumbs casted so they couldn't suck on them. Also, you can buy this nail polish that has a horrible bitter taste to it that is made for thumb sucking habbits. She might be too old for that and suck it off, lol.

Anonymous said...

oh she is so cute. she is getting so big. tell her I love her ok. love you all.

Rachel said...

I have been meaning to read Becca's book, now I will have to!

Spencer's Adventures said...

I love the toothless grin! Tyler's frint tooth is already growing in....it doesn't last long. I'll have to try that book sometime.

Cherlelynn Bednar said...

Yea Beckah!