Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Questions

1. Eggnog or hot chocolate? I love hot chocolate, however my husband and kids love eggnog.

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? When Lyn and I got married we combined traditions, so we have both.

3. Colored lights on the tree/house or white? We have white lights on the tree in the music room, red,white, & blue lights on the tree in the great room and blue icicle lights on the house

4. Do you hang mistletoe? No, but Lyn's mother does.

5. When do you put your Christmas decorations up? On Dec. 5th for my birthday.

6. Favorite holiday dish? I love Gramie Anderson's Christmas Jello, and my mom's crab cheese ball.

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? Playing Santa for my younger brothers, and sisters when I was old enough to stay up. Mom and Dad and I really had a good time.

8. When did you learn the truth about Santa? I was 12ish, when I learned that Santa Clause lives in our hearts. Also that year I got to help bring Christmas to a needy family, so it was fun to learn the truth and get to help, it gave me the best feelings!

9. Do open a gift on Christmas Eve? Yes, Lyn has an uncle that lives far away, and we always open their gifts on Christmas Eve, also my brothers and sisters exchange names and we open those gifts too. Plus the kids always get to open their new P.J.'s

10. How do you decorate a tree? With the ornaments we receive every year. We even have ones that date back to when Lyn was born.

11. Snow! Love it or dread it? I love it! Utah has the greatest snow on earth!

12. Can you ice skate? Yes, when I was in high school my friend and I used to ice skate on the frozen canal.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? When I was little, it was my porcelien doll, since I've been married it is my saphirre ring that Lyn gave me, it was a total surprise.

14. What is the most important thing about the holidays to you? Being with family and remembering to keep Christ in Christmas.

15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? I love Christmas Sugar Cookies, and Grandma Epperson's Christmas Popcorn.

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? When we have the kids dress up on Christmas Eve and perform the Navivity, with one of the Grandpa's reading Luke II. We sing all the Christmas hymns that go along with the reading. It is a special time for everyone.

17. What tops your tree? In the music room an angel & a crown of thorns, and in the great room a star.

18. Which do you prefer-Giving or Receiving?It always nice to receive the home made gifts that my children make, but I love the amazing feeling that comes with giving the most.

19. Favorite Christmas song? What Child is This?

20. Candy Canes-Yuck or Yum? I love candy canes, especially in a candy cane fudge shake from Dairy Keen. Yummy!

21. Favorite Christmas show? I love all the old Christmas classics, like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, and Santa Claus is coming to Town, but my favorite is Mr. Kreuger's Christmas.

22.What is your favorite Christmas book/story? I love to read Christmas Stories to my kids so I have two favorites The Polar Express, and Mr. Finnegan's Giving Chest.

23. What is your favorite thing to do in the winter? I love to curl up with a good book by a nice warm fire, however I hardly ever get to do that, so I'd say sledding with my family.

24. What is your favorite pastime on a snowing day? Building a snowman with my kids and drinking hot cocoa.

25. What is your least favorite thing about Christmas? Taking the decorations down.

I found these questions on a blog that I was reading and decided that it would a fun Jonural entry, so if you want to use it, just leave a comment so that I can check yours out too.
Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Ella Berg said...

So fun to read all of your favorite
parts of Christmas and I couldn't agree with you more - taking down the decorations is my least favorite part too - the house seems so bare without the trees and all of the red, white & green
everywhere, so I leave out just a
few "little" touches of Christmas
all year long . . . it helps!!!