Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our Valentines Date-Fireproof

For Valentines Day we had a cookies frosting party in afternoon (pics soon) with the Berg cousins. Then after pizza for dinner Lyn & I went to deliver the cookies and pick out a movie. I heard Fireproof was great, so we got it.
After we put the kids to bed, we went down stairs and built a nice cozy fire and watched this movie. It was so good. It was so intriguing, that be the time it was over I didn't want it to end. Lyn really liked it too! I want to challenge all of my friends that are married to see this movie with their spouse. It is a must see for every relationship.


Cherlelynn Bednar said...

I told Rob about the movie. We're definitely going to have to watch it when we get a chance (i.e. all the kids are asleep-lol). Thanks for the info. I'm always looking for a great movie.


Spencer's Adventures said...

Sounds fun, we'll try it!