Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ray's 1st Field Trip!

Ray's preschool class went on a field trip to the fire station. Ray thought it was fun to try on the fireman's hat and coat,
Get to squirt the fire hose,
and show his big fireman muscles.
All the kids learned a lot about being safe around fire.
Remember: STOP, DROP, and ROLL!


Sarah said...

What great pictures! Maby Ray will want to grow up to be a firefighter now...So cute! And Heather, remember I tagged you so get busy! (Or I won't give you the juicy details on the new man!)

*Crusan said...

you are a nice mom!
I am so so so paranoid about hats. UH-OH - now you're going to learn something ELSE about me!!
I cannot HANDLE my kids WEARING HATS!!!!!!!!!!! UGH! Even if they are new & unworn! you are nice nice nice!
I'm sure though, that my kids wore the fireman's hat on their pre-school field trip too, but I just didn't get a picture...thank goodness - huh??
cute pics heather!

Spencer's Adventures said...

I love the fire station trips! I'm glad things are going well with the preschool.

Rachel said...

cute cute, I bet they LOVED that field trip! What a great memory - he will remember that FOREVER!