Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall Soccer!

Bekah and Ellie played soccer this fall.
They both had a great time and learn a lot.

Bekah #7 played 7 on 7 this year, she really liked to play mid-field or defense.

She was a little go getter until she would get tired. This was the 1st year that she had to run up and down the whole soccer field.

Ellie got to play co-ed soccer this year, and really liked her coach.

He did a great job of letting the kids play every position.

She really liked the oranges and drinks they got for 1/2 time too.

She realized that she is a great mid-fielder,

but she still liked to play defense.

Last year she loved playing goaly, but not this year!

Her team was called the Cannon Balls, and by the end of the season they were really playing great together!

Ellie and Jacob made a great defense team.

She said "Jacob is so cool, and he is really nice & really fast!"
When I asked her if she had a crush on him she said "No Mom! I don't like him like that"


*Crusan said...

I cannot believe you asked her if she had a CRUSH on him!!!!!!
you crack me up lady!
I have never put my kids in soccer - I should try it sometime - it always looks fun!

Jenny said...

Cute cute, I forgot about soccer and by the time I went to sign up it was over! I am a bit behind maybe I will catch up in the spring.

Spencer's Adventures said...

Fun! It looks like the weather was a little bit better for fall soccer!