Thursday, April 17, 2008

Zoo Fun!

For Friday afternoon, we went to the Hoogle Zoo. Luckily for us it had started to warm up and by the end of the day we even took off our jackets. Some of the animals that are usually asleep when we have gone before were wide awake and fun to see. Weston loved the Tiger, Ellie missed the Zebras, but thought the Rattle Snake was cool when it followed her fingers along the glass. Bekah loved the Meerkat babies, 3 were born the end of Feb. and so fun to watch. Ray loved the Turtles, and the elephant who was playing with the pinata! We also played in the playland for awhile, and I did get stuck in the turtle shell, and almost peed my pants from laughing so hard while Ellie tried to get me out. It was a fun away to end our Spring Break adventure!


Spencer's Adventures said...

What a fun week. That was an awesome idea. Sometimes you don't realize how much there is to do around here until you try and make a little vaction out of it!

Rachel said...

I need to go to the zoo soon. I am glad you guys had a super time. I would have loved to see you get stuck, in the nicest way possible to say that. I probably would have peed my pants!