Monday, February 25, 2008

Super Under-roos Man!

Lately when Ray finishes his bath or changes from his jammies to his clothes, he puts on his under-roos and forgets to put on the rest of his clothes. He likes to put on his cape instead and become Super Under-roos Man! Ellie calls him Captain Underpants too.
This is Super Under-roos Man's disguise.
Super Under-roo Man to the rescue!
Flying through the air(jumping off the steps). Super Under-roos Man has many super powers. He can fly, and shoot red X bombs out of his hands. So if you are a bad guy or a monster you better watch out!

This is funny for me, cause I've never had a child that likes to run around in their underwear before. Maybe he gets it from his Dad!


jessi said...

So funny. I especially laughed when you mentioned getting that one from his dad.

katrina berg said...

Love the super underoo Ray! Carsten and Anneclaire do the running around thing just before bed and call it the "diaper dance." I should get Carsten a cape like Ray so that he can be underoo Carsten...! Then they can be super potty boys together! :)

Kohler Family said...

Super Underoo to the rescue!!! Fly Ray fly!!!