Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dog Soldiers at RMNR '08

Dog Soldiers(Dog Men): Beginning in the late 1830's, an elite band of Cheyenne warriors within the tribe.They were greatly esteemed by the tribe members and known for their bravery, and as highly aggressive and effective combatants. Each Dog Solider wore a particular colored sash and carried a sacred arrow among their various weapons.
Dog Soldiers- Ted, Klint, Susy-Spiritwoman, and Lee.
Today at Rendezvous the Dog Soldiers are known as the peace/order keepers of the camp. It is an all volunteer organization, and like the Dog Soldiers of old they all wear the same colored arm band and commit to help where ever they are needed to keep the rendezvous running smoothly.
This year the honor and responsibility of Head Dog Soldier fell on my mother-in-law, Susy Epperson. She did an awesome job! She now holds the title of the 1st woman to lead the Dog Soldiers at a National Rendezvous, and has set a high standard for all those that will follow her.
The Epperson Clan is PROUD of you!
This is Klint wearing the face paint(mud) of a true
Dog Soldier Warrior!

1 comment:

Jacob said...

Jacob and I have been reading about your rendezvous adventures. Wow, it is like a whole different life and time - for real. Thanks for giving us insights into this important part of your family's time together. And to clarify the "natural" birth, I still hope for an epidural, but will try to NOT have a C-section this time. We will see how things go!