"They who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strenghth; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint." -Isaiah 40:31
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Ode to High School Class of '89
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thanksgiving Weekend
Thanksgiving '07
Caught ya, Ellie!
These are our after Thanksgiving Dinner traditions!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Slumber Party!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Tiesha's Bridal Shower
Well after all the craziness of planning this bridal shower for Tiesha (my soon to be sister in law)It was a success and everyone had a great time!
This picture is of my Towel Cake. I planned the shower & couldn't be in the contest! We had a room to room shower with a prize going to the most creative gift. This gift won the prize. It is for the laundry room with a basket full of supplies, but the kicker was how Gramie decorated it with the clothes pins hanging from the outside for the basket. Anyway, it had some stiff competition with a case of toilet paper and a bathroom reader book, and a box of cookie cutters with a rolling pin and a sugar cookie recipe. Everyone had a hard time deciding who should win!
The best part of the shower was the giving of the Something OLD, Something NEW, Something BORROWED, Something BLUE.
This is the Something Old!
Teisha's Mother, Carolyn gave Tiesha a beautiful white hankie that her Grandmother had given to her, when they were sealed in the temple as a family. so she passed on the tradition.
Her girlfriends bought her pearl earrings to wear on her wedding day.
I had everyone bring thier favorite recipe to give to Tiesha with this cute recipe stand.
I had to find something for the Wedding Night. Poor Tiesha was throughly embarassed.
It was such a fun afternoon and the food was really good (Thanks Susy)
Friday, November 16, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sunday Night Jam Session
It was a fun
Cowboy Poetry '07
Doc. Mongo opened the concert and he did a great job!
Richard Espinoza. He loves him so much that one year for Halloween he dressed up as him.
We had a fun afternoon as a family!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Bekah's Butterfly book
Bekah had a lot of fun making this book and especially wanted to show it to Brieanna and Sydney, and couldn't wait till Christmas to show them. We hope you enjoy!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Snowman Snow!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween '07
As you can see Ray likes to eat the frosting best!
We didn't give any of his cookies away.
The Parks and Rec put on Halloween Canival and Costume Contest this year at the new events center. The kids had fun going to that also. I can't believe that not one of these cute kids won the contest. Maybe I'm a little bias.
(L-R) Ellie =Zebra even her hair is striped black and white, Weston=Ninja, Ray=Batman I found the main part of his costume at the thirft store for $1. Bekah =Annie Oakley and Rebecca=a butterfly fairy princess.
This is a cool picture of the kids in the haunted graveyard.
We had a great Halloween, even Lyn was able to come with us this year!
( more cousin pictures on the Ray & Lola Berg family blog)